Writing Your New Story: In Spite of A Tough Relationship

Writing Your New Story: In Spite of A Tough Relationship

Writing Your New Story: In Spite of A Tough Relationship


If you’re in a difficult relationship—or have recently left one—you may feel like your life has been defined by pain, struggle, and confusion. Perhaps you’ve lost yourself along the way, questioning your worth, choices, and ability to move forward.

But here’s the truth: you can write your own story from here.

You are not bound by the past and you are not limited by what was done to you. The power to reclaim your narrative and shape a future, lies within you, one that reflects your true self—strong, whole, and free.


Why You Need to Rewrite Your Story

When you’ve been in an unhealthy relationship, your identity can become entangled with the experience. You may have:

  • Believed a false narrative—that you weren’t enough, that love meant suffering, that you had to stay to be worthy.
  • Lost your sense of self—sacrificing your dreams, boundaries, and well-being for someone else’s needs.
  • Internalised self-doubt—questioning your choices, instincts, and ability to move forward.

Rewriting your story is about taking back control, even when still in the relationship. It’s about stepping out of the victim role and becoming the author of your own life. When you actively create a new narrative, you reshape how you see yourself and what you believe is possible.


How to Rewrite Your Story in 5 Simple Steps
  1. Acknowledge Where You’ve Been—Without Letting It Define You

The past has shaped you, but it doesn’t have to imprison you. Recognise the pain, the lessons, and the growth. Write down:

  • What you experienced
  • What you learned about yourself
  • What patterns do you want to break
  • What strengths have you discovered in yourself

This isn’t about dwelling on the past—it’s about taking ownership of your journey so that you can move forward with clarity.

🔹 Example: Instead of saying, “I wasted years in that relationship,” shift to “I now understand my patterns and can make better choices for my future.”


  1. Decide Who You Want to Be Now

You are not the same person you were before. You’ve grown. You have seen what you don’t want—so now, define what you do want.

Ask yourself:

  • What kind of woman do I want to become?
  • How do I want to feel about myself?
  • What kind of relationships will I allow in my life from now on?
  • What values will guide my decisions?

This is your opportunity to redefine yourself on your terms. Write a few sentences that describe the new you—the one stepping into her power.

🔹 Example: “I am a woman who honours her worth, sets clear boundaries, and chooses relationships that bring me peace and joy.”


  1. Let Go of the Old Story

If your old story was filled with pain, betrayal, or abandonment, it’s time to release it. Holding onto it keeps you stuck in the past.

Try this:

  • Write down the beliefs you’ve formed from your relationship (e.g., “I’ll never be loved the way I want” or “I always end up hurt”).
  • Challenge each belief. Ask: Is this really true?
  • Replace it with an empowering belief (e.g., “I am worthy of deep, healthy love” or “I now choose relationships that nurture me.”).

🔹 Tip: Create a mantra from your new belief and repeat it daily. Affirmations like “I am enough” and “I create my own happiness” are powerful tools for rewiring your mind.


  1. Take Small, Brave Steps Toward Your New Life

Your story is rewritten through action. Every small step you take affirms your new identity.


  • Setting Boundaries: Say no to what drains you and yes to what nourishes you.
  • Trying New Experiences: Break the old routine—travel, take a class, start a new hobby.
  • Surrounding Yourself with Supportive People: Find friends, support groups, or coaches who uplift you.
  • Practising Self-Care: Treat yourself with the love you once craved from others.

🔹 Example: If your past story involved prioritising others’ needs, your new story could start by making yourself a priority—without guilt.


  1. Envision the Future & Take Ownership

Close your eyes and see the life you want. Where are you? What does your day look like? How do you feel? Who are you with?

Write a letter to your future self as if you’re already there. Use empowering language:

  • “I am living in a home filled with peace and beauty.”
  • “I wake up feeling strong and confident in myself.”
  • “I have healthy, supportive relationships that bring me joy.”

By visualising your future and embodying it now, you align yourself with the reality you want to create.


Final Thoughts: You Are the Author Now

No matter how painful your past is, you have the power to rewrite your future. You are not what happened to you; you are who you choose to become.

Pick up the pen, write the story you deserve and most importantly—start living it today.


What’s the first sentence of your new story? Please write it down and take your first step forward.

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Interested in more blog posts by Grace? Why not read ‘Reclaim Your Voice: Navigating a Tough Relationship‘ next?